
Common sense, sharp and keen minds, humor, brave hearts, I mean honest ones!  people feeling young, and attractive, full of energy. Would you like to know how it feels, or looks when being in your mid 50s? 

Why I value humor? First of all, we need to laugh, or at least smile from time to time! Cheese!!! Have you ever heard about how good for your body is when your heart is happy and your mind at peace?

There is another thing: sense of humor reflects how smart we are. Seriously! No, I do not mean that kind of intellectual intelligence, the famous IQ. I mean people just being smart. Scientists have defined this as a kind of a personal intelligence, but yes, this is to complicated for a “sex-site”, right? Still, for me it matters ... as  someone’s smile can be a great turn-on… or exactly the opposite.

What else turns me on? Well, You! Men! I love to have around people of all kinds, but when it comes about men, I prefer the ones with “mature” heart and mind, whatever their biological age might be!

Oooh, one more thing before stepping in: please, again: read the rules of my category. That would make me extremely happy!





















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